
Speech-Language Pathology |概述

The Division of Speech and Language Pathology of Boston Children’s Health Physicians (BCHP) provides outpatient services to children and adults, across the lifespan. Our clinic employs ASHA-certified and NYS-licensed speech-language pathologists who have specialized skills in the following areas:

  • developmental speech and language disorders
  • feeding and swallowing disorders
  • voice disorders
  • fluency disorders (stuttering)
  • acquired speech and language disorders and cognitive disorders (traumatic brain injury, stroke)
  • 重音修改
  • 增强和替代性交流

Facilities, Equipment and Technology:

The Speech and Language Clinic is located within an academic building of New York Medical College and offers seven therapy rooms and a fully equipped therapy materials room. The clinic also maintains an audiometer, Visipitch with MultiDimensional Voice Program for objective acoustic analysis of voice, a Nasometer for assessment and feedback of resonance, Phonatory Aerodynamic System to assess aerodynamics of voice and multiple iPads.


The BCHP Division of Speech and Language Pathology provides graduate students of New York Medical College with opportunities to participate in clinical activities in order to fulfill clinical requirements for licensure. The focus of clinical education is to prepare clinicians to meet the needs of individuals with communication or swallowing disorders through ethical, functional assessment and treatment. Students work collaboratively with the clinical staff, and student participation is fully supervised by the licensed and certified staff member at all times.



Speech-Language Evaluations and Treatment



  • articulation and phonology – how speech sounds are produced
  • voice – the use of the vocal folds to produce sound
  • 流利性 - 语音的节奏模式

Language:There are 2 distinct areas of language:

  • receptive language: Understanding what others say
  • expressive language: Effectively communicating thoughts and ideas to others


  • 词汇 - 知识和使用单词和概念的含义
  • grammatical forms – knowledge and use of sentence structure, word structure (verb tenses, pluralization, etc.)
  • 语用学 - 有效的人际交流方面

Language for Learning:The ability to use features of language (phonological awareness, language comprehension skills) for academic success. Aspects of literacy (reading and writing) are also included

Feeding and Swallowing Clinic

Diagnostic, treatment, and consultation services are provided for children with difficulties in feeding, including difficulty sucking, swallowing, and/or chewing; food texture issues; behavioral feeding issues; and transitioning from tube feeding to oral feeding. Therapy is provided by a certified licensed clinician who specializes in feeding and swallowing disorders.

Adult Communication Skills Group

This is a communication skills group for adults with aphasia and other acquired communication disorders. The group meets once a week for two hours. Group members participate in therapy activities to improve word-finding, memory, following directions and learn to use assistive technology for communication as needed.


与自闭症谱系障碍儿童群体are formed by age and skill level and meet weekly to develop skills in the area of social interaction pragmatic language skills.


Monday through Thursday|9 a.m. to 7 p.m.(last session beginning at 6:15 p.m.)

30 Plaza West
Vosburgh Pavilion
