
儿童医院知识分子和发展障碍研究中心(IDDRC)是美国最古老的中心之一。该中心是由此引导的斯科特波莫耶,M.D.,Ph.D.,酋长培训人员和德国人主任;并使董事联系起来Clifford Worlf,M.D.,Ph.D.是下午事长的主任。波士顿儿童的Kirby神经生物学计划;和Louis Kunkel,Ph.D.是波士顿儿童医院基因组学计划的主任。Sixty-six Center investigators representing fifteen Departments and Divisions from five adjacent institutions (Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute) carry out research that falls into two major areas: Genetics and Neuroscience. Within the area of神经科学,中心研究分为两个主要的程序化类别:基本神经科学, 和临床/翻译神经科学
