Harvard-wide Pediatric Health Services Research Fellowship Program | Program Components

Curriculum and Research Environment

Our program provides a structured learning and research environment to ensure that fellows develop competency in core areas of health services research, including:

  • biostatistics, epidemiology, and study design
  • primary data collection methods
  • analysis of large observational databases
  • comparative effectiveness research methods
  • fundamentals of quality and safety
  • the design and conducting of quality improvement and implementation
  • quality and safety measurement, and benchmarking
  • behavioral and social sciences methods to influence actions of providers, patients, and families
  • examination of IT applications that improve the coordination of care, decision support, and patient safety
  • health policy, economics, and decision science
  • use of geographic information system in HSR
  • 科学沟通并总结政策制定者,公众和媒体的发现
  • responsible conduct, ethics, the role of review boards, and HIPAA requirements

Training and oversight is conducted at three noted research sites:


Coursework at theHarvard School of Public Health,导致一个英里每小时或equivalent degree.

Weekly program seminars:We host weekly seminars ranging on a variety topics including works-in-progress seminars, faculty seminars in HSR focused on methodological issues, and skills seminars.

Personalized Mentoring

Mentorship is a key component of our program. Senior, interdisciplinary mentor teams help ensure that fellows meet key milestones, including:

  • the design and execution of at least two studies, one involving analysis of a large existing database and the other involving a personally designed study with primary data collection
  • presentation of results at local and national meetings and completion of manuscripts
  • a specific plan for developing a career development award or other independent funding

We also understand that mentoring does not end with graduation from our program. Our faculty members routinely maintain mentoring relationships with fellows who stay at Harvard, as well as those who relocate to other institutions. The positive experience we've had with mentorships has resulted in a growing alumni network.Read more about our alumni.

Access to Vast Resources

Our extensive, committed core and affiliated faculty provide fellows access to an extraordinary array of well-supported mentors across multiple disciplines.

In addition, the Harvard-wide structure of the program is able to provide: