Current Environment:

Family Advisory Council |Overview

The NICU Family Advisory Council (FAC) is a unique program which allows parents of NICU graduates to act as advisers and partner with staff and clinicians on continuous improvement plans for the NICU. The invaluable feedback we receive from families allows our team to make decisions from parents' perspective. Families who participated in the FAC have helped us implement the following programs:

  • Development of our simulation program for families being discharged home with a baby who requires medical technology
  • TheBoston Children's Hospital NICU Family Supportsite allows families to connect and support each other after they have been discharged from the NICU. We encourage you to share both your challenges and solutions as we work together to help you and your baby thrive at home. The site is monitored by NICU staff and clinicians.
  • Development of theHealthy Familiesprogram

Joey, NICU Graduate, 2014
