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Muscular Dystrophy |概述

What is muscular dystrophy?

Muscular dystrophy is a general name for a group of rare diseases that cause muscle weakness. It is caused by mutations in certain genes. There are more than 30 different types of muscular dystrophy and each affects certain muscles and varies in severity. Some types of muscular dystrophy affect children while others don’t appear until adulthood.


Some other types of muscular dystrophy that can affect children include:

  • 贝克尔:这种类型与Duchenne肌肉营养不良有关,但不那么严重。
  • Emery-Dreifuss:Most common in boys, this type of muscular dystrophy causes weakness and progressive wasting of the lower leg and upper arm muscles.
  • facioscapulohumeral:This type affects muscles in the face, upper arms and shoulders.
  • 肢体束:这是一组遗传性肌肉丧失和无力的遗传条件。
  • 肌发育症:这是成年人中最常见的肌肉营养不良,但有时会在婴儿期或童年时开始症状。
  • 远端:也称为远端肌病,是一种不太严重的肌肉营养不良的形式,通常会缓慢进展。


There is no cure for muscular dystrophy, but treatments can prevent complications and help with symptoms.

What are the symptoms of muscular dystrophy?




  • 经常跌倒
  • 从撒谎或坐姿上站起来很难
  • a waddling walk
  • 困难跑步和跳跃
  • enlarged calf muscles


  • 在tip脚上行走
  • 经常跌倒
  • 肌肉痉挛
  • later onset of symptoms than Duchenne


  • 手动动作麻烦并伸出手指
  • 难以爬楼梯和步行
  • inability to stand on the heels or hop


  • 从上臂和小腿开始的肌肉无力
  • decreased movement in the spine, knees, elbows, ankles, and back of neck
  • 肘部锁定在弯曲的位置
  • rigid spine


  • 眼睛和嘴巴周围的肌肉减弱
  • 倾斜的肩膀或肩blade骨看起来“有翅”
  • trouble speaking, swallowing, or chewing
  • hearing problems
  • 脊柱中的曲线


  • weakness around the hips that spreads to the legs, shoulders, and neck
  • 经常跌倒
  • a waddle when walking
  • rigid spine


  • 接管后无法放松肌肉
  • 长脸和脖子长
  • 麻烦吞咽
  • 白内障,眼睑下垂和其他视力问题
  • 睡意
  • 在婴儿中,吞咽或呼吸困难,缺乏反射,脸部肌肉无力以及运动技能延迟

What are the causes of muscular dystrophy?

Muscular dystrophy is usually an inherited condition caused by a mutation in one of the genes that affect proteins in the muscles. This mutation causes the protein to be missing or altered so it doesn’t work correctly. Each type of muscular dystrophy is caused by a different mutation.

In some cases, the mutation is not inherited from a parent, but occurs spontaneously. In this case, the mutation can then be passed on future generations.

How we care for muscular dystrophy

在波士顿儿童医欧宝彩票平台院Neuromuscular Center, our team of specialists from neurology, orthopedic surgery, physical therapy and genetics are experienced in caring for children with muscular dystrophy. We are one of a few sites in the United States funded by the国立卫生研究院(NIH)和各种赞助商进行肌肉营养不良的临床研究。

Muscular Dystrophy |诊断和治疗

How is muscular dystrophy diagnosed?


  • blood tests衡量某些酶可能表明muscle damage
  • muscle biopsy检查肌肉组织是否有肌肉疾病
  • 成像测试,磁共振成像(MRI)orultrasoundto check muscle quality
  • 神经检查to rule out other conditions and to test coordination or reflexes
  • 运动测试检查肌肉力量并检查体内的某些化学物质
  • 基因检测寻找可能发出特定类型肌肉营养不良的突变



  • 物理治疗或职业治疗to help keep muscles strong and flexible and help patients maintain skills
  • 语音疗法提高脸部肌肉无力的人的沟通能力
  • 呼吸治疗如果孩子有呼吸问题
  • 有助于增加肌肉力量并减轻肌肉营养不良的某些症状,例如肌肉痉挛或感染的药物
  • surgery is sometimes needed to help with the complications of muscular dystrophy, such as implanting a pacemaker for heart problems or surgery to remove cataracts


Many of the genes responsible for muscular dystrophies and other neuromuscular disorders were found right here at the Boston Children’sNeuromuscular Center. Today, the researchers who made these discoveries are continuing to learn more and are working to develop treatments.

    Muscular Dystrophy |程式& Services
