

Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIP) is a rare disorder in which intestinal nerve or muscle problems prevent food, fluid, and air from moving through the stomach and intestines. The child experiences the symptoms of an intestinal blockage, though no actual physical blockage exists. Over time, children with CIP can become malnourished because their gastrointestinal tracts are unable to absorb food and get nutrition.

Approximately 100 children are born with congenital CIP in the U.S. each year. CIP is a lifelong condition that can be managed with proper medical care.

How we care for chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction




Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction prevents fluids and food from moving though the stomach and intestines. Symptoms vary, depending on which portion of the intestinal tract is affected. Common symptoms include:

  • abdominal distention (a bloated or swollen belly)
  • vomiting
  • constipation
  • 腹痛
  • 腹泻
  • 小吃后感觉饱了
  • food aversion
  • pain related to the distention or obstructive symptoms

The lack of intestinal function can lead to complications. It usually prevents the body from absorbing nutrients. As a result, many children suffer from malnutrition,不壮成长和减肥。在初级假期伪造的情况下,医生通常会在出生后或孩子的第一个生日前不久或在孩子的第一个生日之前怀疑和诊断这种情况。

What causes chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction?

Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction is caused by nerve or muscle problems that prevent the intestines from contracting normally to move food, fluid, and air through the intestines. In many cases, the root cause is unknown. In children, the condition is typically congenital, meaning that most children who have it were born with it.

Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction can be caused by a problem with the nerves or the muscles in the stomach and intestines:

  • neuropathic:当胃和肠收缩时,由于胃肠道的神经存在问题,收缩是不同步的
  • 肌原性:当胃不收缩或由于肌肉问题而缩水弱

At times the problem with the intestinal movement may be secondary to other underlying conditions like metabolic problems, mitochondrial diseases, and surgery. These problems are considered secondary causes of pseudo-obstruction. They can have the same problems as children with the primary form.


How is chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction diagnosed?

Because the symptoms of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIP) are similar to those of other胃肠道条件,您的孩子的医生可能需要在进行正式诊断之前订购几项测试。


  • Imaging studies, such asX射线,可以排除肠梗阻。
  • Antroduodenal and colonic manometry测量肠中的压力,可以帮助诊断CIP而无需进行更多侵入性测试。在亚经二二聚体测压法test, a doctor feeds a small, flexible tube through the nose or an existing gastrostomy (feeding tube) into the stomach and small intestine to measure pressure. For a colonic manometry, the doctor does the same thing but feeds a tube into the intestine through the colon.
  • 剖腹手术是一个很少需要的手术程序。外科医生进行腹部切口,以便他们可以检查和活检肠。

How is intestinal pseudo-obstruction treated?

While there is no known cure for pseudo-obstruction, proper medical treatment can stabilize the condition, prevent complications, and improve your child’s quality of life so they can participate in typical childhood activities.


  • 营养支持疗法:Proper nutrition is a top priority for children with CIP. Children with CIP should eat several small meals throughout the day of easy-to-digest, pureed foods. Children who cannot eat even small meals may need enteral nutrition, which delivers a liquid diet into the stomach or intestines through a feeding tube. In more severe cases, a child’s doctor may recommendparenteral nutrition, which supplies nutrients directly into the veins through a catheter.
  • 手术减压:To relieve pressure in the intestines, a surgeon may insert a feeding tube directly into the stomach or create an opening in the abdomen through which the intestines can release gas and empty stool.
  • 药物:原能药物可以通过协助收缩来改善运动能力,通过肠道将食物通过肠道的能力。根据孩子的症状,儿童的临床医生还可以开处方抗生素,抗nousea药物,抗diarheal药物或泻药。
  • Pain management:There are several options to control and relieve pain and discomfort associated with CIP, including oral medications and even epidural anesthesia. However, pain medication can also slow digestion and should be used sparingly for children with CIP.
  • 小肠移植:In severe cases, the intestines and possibly other organs may need to be replaced with an肠道和多人移植.

