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What is osteogenesis imperfecta?


OI is a lifelong condition that varies greatly in severity, affecting bone quality and bone mass.The condition can also affect a child’s stature, hearing, skin, blood vessels, muscle mass (hypotonia, or poor muscle tone), and teeth (dentinogenesis imperfecta).





Our骨科中心在治疗OI的孩子方面有丰富的经验。结果,我们为专家提供diagnosis and treatment, and care for children with every type and manifestation of the condition.

Our Orthopedic Center is one of the world’s first comprehensive pediatric orthopedic programs, and is now the largest pediatric orthopedic surgery center in the United States, performing more 5,000 procedures each year. Our program is one of the nation’s preeminent care centers for children and young adults with developmental, congenital, post-traumatic, and neuromuscular problems of the musculoskeletal system.


What are the symptoms of osteogenesis imperfecta?


Type I: the mildest and most common type — usually inherited

  • bones断裂easily
  • most fractures occur before puberty (adult women will occasionally have fractures after menopause)
  • 通常可以通过家庭追踪
  • near normal stature or slightly shorter
  • blue or blue-gray sclera (the normally white area of the eyeball)
  • 牙齿问题(牙齿发生不完美)
  • 听力损失从20岁或30多岁开始
  • triangular shape to face
  • spinal curvature

Type II: the most severe type — frequently life-threatening

  • newborns severely affected
  • 通常是由新基因突变引起的
  • 身材极小;胸部极度矮小;肺部欠发达

Type III: severe type — usually no family history

  • 断裂s at birth very common
  • X射线可能揭示了子宫中发生的骨折的愈合
  • severe early hearing loss
  • 胳膊和腿部的关节松动和肌肉发育不良
  • barrel-shaped rib cage

Type IV: moderate type — often traced through family lines

  • bones fracture easily — most before puberty
  • 正常或接近正常的巩膜
  • teeth may or may not be involved
  • spinal curvature
  • 松散的关节


The most common forms of OI are inherited and can usually be traced through the family.

成骨不完美|Diagnosis & Treatments

How is osteogenesis imperfecta diagnosed?

The first step to treating your child’s osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is to form a timely, complete and accurate diagnosis.

OI is usually diagnosed in infancy or early childhood. To diagnose your child’s OI, the doctor conducts a physical exam. During the exam, the doctor takes your child’s complete prenatal, birth and family medical history.

Tools for diagnosing osteogenesis imperfecta can include:

  • a complete medical history and physical exam (including ear, nose and throat exam to detect hearing loss*)
  • X射线
  • DNA血液测试
  • DXA骨密度扫描

What are the treatment options for osteogenesis imperfecta?


  • 纠正并预防断裂和畸形
  • 让您的孩子尽可能独立地运作


  • 手术以进行重复出现断裂s,鞠躬,scoliosis
  • surgery to maintain your child's ability to sit or stand
  • Rodding(插入简单或伸缩金属杆(Fassier Duval Rod)的最小侵入性程序(Fassier Duval Rod)长骨的长度以稳定并防止畸形)
  • 辅助设备,例如轮椅,支撑和其他定制设备
  • dental procedures
  • 物理疗法
  • medications (for pain and for bone strength)
  • psychological counseling




成骨不完美|程式& Services
