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RECALL: Vi-Jon Magnesium Citrate Saline Laxative Oral Solution

Lemon, 10oz (完整列表of brands). If your child has developed illness after taking this solution contact their physician.


Short bowel syndrome (SBS), or simply "short gut," is a condition caused by the loss of a functioning small intestine. The small intestine is an important part of the digestive tract — it's where we absorb most of the sugars, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals from the food we eat. When a child doesn't have enough small intestine, the body can't absorb the nutrients it needs to grow and thrive.


Short bowel syndrome is a rare condition — but you don’t have to go it alone. This animated video can help both kids and adults understand how short bowel syndrome occurs and how we treat it at Boston Children’s Hospital.


这symptoms of short bowel syndrome (SBS) are essentially all those associated with the inability to absorb nutrients from food (malabsorption), including:

  • 体重减轻/体重增加
  • 脱水
  • diarrhea
  • abdominal bloating
  • 呕吐
  • abdominal pain
  • 维生素和矿物质缺乏症



SBS is caused by an insufficient length of small intestine. There are several reasons why SBS may occur:

Download our Living with Short Bowel Syndrome e-book



高级肠道康复中心(CAIR)在波士顿儿童医院是世界上SBS治疗的首要计划之一。每年,我们的计划都在关心来自该国和国外各地区的200多名儿童。2002年,我们的医生表演了世界的第一个serial transverse enteroplasty procedure (STEP),一种手术技术,可延长和挖掘SBS儿童的肠道。从那时起,我们成功地执行了数十个这些程序。我们的跨学科中心也以SBS儿童的营养和医疗管理创新而闻名。CAIR是第一个使用新颖的静脉制剂(omegaven)来治疗与肠道衰竭相关的肝病的中心。

Short Bowel Syndrome |Diagnosis & Treatment

How is short bowel syndrome diagnosed?

To evaluate short bowel syndrome, your child's clinician will take a detailed medical history, perform a physical examination, order various specialized laboratory tests and may also order tests to show any structural problems with the intestine. These can include:

  • abdominalx-ray,,,,often with contrast material to better define the gastrointestinal anatomy and function
  • abdominalultrasound,,,,to evaluate blood vessel structures as well as various organs
  • 改良的钡吞咽,分析上胃肠道解剖和功能
  • 内窥镜检查,一种测试,该测试在末端(内窥镜)末端(内窥镜)使用带有光和相机镜头的小型柔性管来检查消化道的一部分。从消化道内部的组织样品也可以进行检查。在某些情况下,在内窥镜检查过程中收集液体,以帮助诊断和治疗小肠细菌过度生长。
  • colonoscopy, a test that uses a long, flexible tube with a light and camera lens at the end (colonoscope) to examine inside the large intestine. As with the endoscopy, tissue samples from inside the digestive tract may also be taken for examination and testing.

你孩子的医生也可能提供下面的g specialized tests of nutritional status:

  • 呼吸氢分析,以量化碳水化合物或糖的吸收不良程度,并确定肠内过量的细菌是否生长
  • 间接量热法,以卡路里,碳水化合物,蛋白质和脂肪的形式分析孩子的营养需求的测试
  • body composition tests, to evaluate fat and lean muscle
  • DEXA scans, to evaluate bone density
  • motility testing, to evaluate gastrointestinal function
  • FibroScan, to assess the liver

Short Bowel Syndrome |Programs & Services
