Current Environment:



  • 筛窦:位于鼻子桥的面部内部。这种窦出生时存在并继续增长。
  • 上颌窦:位于脸颊区域的脸部内。这种窦在出生时也存在,并继续增长。
  • 额窦:位于额头区域内。直到孩子大约7岁,这种窦才会发育。
  • sphenoid sinus: located deep in the face, behind the nose. This sinus does not develop until adolescence.

这些感染通常会在寒冷的or an过敏性炎症。鼻窦炎有三种类型:

  • acute sinusitis: occurs quickly and improves with the appropriate treatment
  • 亚急性鼻窦炎:最初不能随着治疗而改善,持续不到三个月
  • chronic sinusitis: occurs with repeated acute infections or with previous infections that were inadequately treated, and lasts longer than three months

What causes sinusitis?

有时,鼻窦感染发生在儿童患有上呼吸道感染(URI)或普通感冒之后。URI引起鼻腔炎症的炎症,可以阻止旁那鼻鼻涕的开口并导致鼻窦感染。Allergiescan also lead to sinusitis because of the swelling of the nasal tissue and increased production of mucus. There are other possible conditions that can block the normal flow of secretions out of the sinuses and can lead to sinusitis including the following:

  • abnormalities in the structure of the nose
  • enlarged adenoids
  • diving and swimming
  • 牙齿感染
  • 鼻子的创伤
  • 异物陷入鼻子
  • cleft



The symptoms of sinusitis depend on the age of the child. The following are the most common symptoms of sinusitis. However, each child may experience different symptoms.


  • 流鼻涕
  • 持续超过七到十天
  • 排放通常是厚绿色或黄色的,但可以清楚
  • 夜间咳嗽
  • 偶尔的白天咳嗽


  • 流鼻或冷症状持续超过7至10天
  • 鼻子滴在喉咙里
  • 头痛
  • facial discomfort
  • 口臭
  • cough
  • fever
  • 咽喉痛
  • 眼睛周围肿胀,通常早上更糟

How we diagnose sinusitis

In addition to a complete medical history and physical examination, doctors may use these diagnostic procedures:

  • cultures from the nose or sinus fluid: laboratory tests that involve the growing of bacteria or other microorganisms to aid in diagnosis
  • sinusX射线: diagnostic test that uses invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of internal tissues, bones, and organs onto film
  • 计算机断层扫描(CT或CAT扫描):一种使用X射线和计算机技术组合的诊断成像过程,用于生成横截面图像(通常称为“切片”),无论是水平还是垂直的,即身体上的“切片”)。CT扫描显示了身体任何部位的详细图像,包括骨骼,肌肉,脂肪和器官。CT扫描比一般X射线更详细。
  • blood tests



  • 由您的孩子的医师确定的抗生素(抗生素通常为10至14天,有时更长)
  • acetaminophen (for pain or discomfort)
  • 冷雾加湿器的使用你的孩子的房间
  • 鼻滴

Decongestants and antihistamines may not help the symptoms of sinusitis.

鼻窦炎|程式& Services
