

neurodevel儿童患有慢性疾病opmental disorders, asthma or respiratory conditions, just to name a few—are among患有严重流感并发症的高风险的人,例如呼吸衰竭甚至死亡。鉴于这一点,总有强有力的建议,即这样的孩子每个季节接受流感疫苗,此外还要求接种6个月及以上的所有儿童。





Adrienne Randolph,医学博士,MSC- 波士顿儿童的强化主义者和该流感疫苗研究的主要作者 - 信心护理协调和沟通是解决问题的关键。她说:“许多慢性病儿童缺乏'医疗之家'(一种协调和跟踪护理各个方面的单一医疗资源),因为有很多专科医生参与他们的护理。”

That lack of home can fuel a lack of clarity as to who should vaccinate and under what circumstances, leading to missed opportunities. For instance, if a child is an inpatient, her provider may prefer to wait to vaccinate until she is healthy, but the vaccine may not be offered as part of her discharge process. She may have an appointment with a specialty clinic, but that clinic may not offer seasonal vaccination to its patients. And her primary care provider (PCP) may think that vaccination is too risky, given her chronic condition.

Gregory Young, MD,波士顿儿童儿科医师组织的总裁兼首席执行官,波士顿的Longwood Pediatrics的初级保健提供者,虽然最终应流感疫苗应成为医疗家庭功能,但长期病人的医疗家庭不一定必须生活与她的PCP。

"For patients on kidney dialysis, those actively being treated for cancer or those with cystic fibrosis, the medical home is often based in the specialty setting," he explains. "But for children with high complexity and vulnerability that doesn't necessarily boil down to a single condition, it should be the primary care setting."


Instead of only asking why these children don't get the vaccine in the medical home, Young says, we should instead ask what needs to be done to ensure that no opportunity is ever missed. In his mind, all of the providers involved in a child's care should feel accountable for vaccinating.





"It's only when you start measuring these things that people can start thinking critically about the systems that are in place," he continues. "We all want to do the right thing, but we need to have the information available."

Randolph points out that there are larger systematic benefits beyond the clear health benefits to solving this problem and making sure chronically ill patients get the flu vaccine, but that the system needs to change to make sure vaccination happens. "The cost and effort of vaccinating are very low compared to those of an ICU admission for flu-related critical illness. The time it takes to prevent that outcome is worth it."
