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Pediatric Health Services Research Fellowship Program |Overview

Our program brochure can be viewed here:HSR Fellowship Brochure.


Since 1994, the Harvard-wide Pediatric Health Services Research (HSR) Fellowship Program has excelled at training a new generation of investigators whose work is defining and addressing critical gaps in child health services research and the provision of primary care for children. Our training examines key issues such as access, quality, outcomes, and cost-effectiveness of care.

Our goal

The principal goal of our two-year program is to develop expert investigators whose research will fundamentally improve the capacity of the U.S. healthcare system to meet the needs of children and families, including socio-economically disadvantaged and minority populations. The diverse research projects conducted by our faculty and fellows share the goal of improving pediatric care along the six dimensions of quality articulated by the Institute of Medicine — care that is safe, effective, timely, efficient, patient centered, and equitable.
