Web User Privacy Rights

Web Site User Privacy Rights


Information Collection and Use

Web log file data

We collect some basic web log file data about site visitors. This information includes domain names, web site traffic patterns and server usage statistics. This information is used for site management and administration and to improve the content and overall performance and user-experience on our site.

Data Security

波士顿儿童医院让每一个合理的effort to ensure that all of the transactions that occur on our web site are secure. We store personally identifiable data with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to protect information you may submit on our site. SSL is the industry standard protocol. All off-line information is securely stored and is accessible only by authorized Children's Hospital staff.


波士顿儿童医院provides forms on our web site which may request confidential health information. These online forms are located on a secure site. We adhere to the requirements outlined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) legislation, which ensures security and privacy of an individual's medical records. For your convenience, a printable version of the form is also available, if preferred.


如果你订阅简报,出版物或press release published by Boston Children's Hospital and distributed via email, we will keep your email address in a private distribution list. Messages sent electronically do not reveal recipients' email addresses or any other personal information. Boston Children's Hospital will only send messages to individuals who have opted-in to subscribe and who have provided their email address to us directly. We do not use this email address list for any other purpose, and we only add individuals at their request. At any time, you may opt-out by using the unsubscribe link provided on our web site and in the publication email, which will remove your information from the distribution list for that publication.


Cookies are packets of information that a web site transfers to a user's computer for record-keeping purposes. They are a means of keeping track of users' preferences for content and alerting them to new content areas. The data collected may be used to show relevant Boston Children’s Hospital content on other websites. Additionally, the cookies may be used to share other non-identifiable demographic information. Most browsers allow you to turn off cookies if you do not want them tracking your preferences. The Boston Children's Hospital web site (m.pphcsd.com) and the Children's Hospital Trust (giving.childrenshospital.org) does set and access cookies. They are used only to enhance the usability of the site. You can still use this site if you turn the cookies off.

Donations and Fundraising Events

当您向波士顿儿童医院捐款或注册筹款活动时,我们要求您自愿提供您的姓名,地址,电话号码,电子邮件地址和信用卡号码,以便我们可以处理您的捐赠或活动注册,请给您收据或确认并在必要时与您沟通。如果您愿意,可以通过电话或常规邮件提供其他方式(通过电话或常规邮件)。当您在我们的网站上赠送礼物时,您的信息将进入由波士顿儿童医院慈善资源的儿童医院信托基金维护的数据库。然后,该信托可能会向您发送有关支持医院的其他机会的电子邮件或邮件。请注意,信托偶尔会通过一些选定的非营利组织将其捐赠者邮寄列表交易。这些交流很少经常仔细监测。如果您不希望此列表共享程序中包含您的姓名和地址,则可以随时发送电子邮件至privacypolicy@chtrust.org或写作隐私政策,儿童医院信托,401 Park Drive,Suite,Suite 602,波士顿,MA02215。您也可以选择退出任何退出方法,例如Check-Box退出,该方法包括在信托基金会筹款中包含。

Third-Party Service Providers

波士顿儿童医院may engage reputable third-party vendors to help us manage our web sites and allow us to better service our patients and visitors. The hospital never shares with third parties any personally identifiable information you provide when making a donation online, except as required by law.

Links to other sites

This site has links to other sites we think may be of interest to our visitors. Their purpose is to provide visitors with convenient access to other sites that might interest them. A link to another site does not imply an endorsement of the site's content or services. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of sites not owned by Boston Children's Hospital and Children's Hospital Trust. We encourage you to be aware of that when you leave our site and to read privacy statements at any sites that collect personally identifiable data.

E-mail communication

波士顿儿童医院does not collect your email address unless you voluntarily submit it to us or choose to communicate with us via email. We do not sell or rent any email addresses. We try to respond to email messages requiring a response within five business days. If you email the hospital, your message and email address will be forwarded to the appropriate department or program within the hospital. Please do not email patient health information, as that information is confidential and should only be discussed with your physician.




We inform the companies that help the Boston Children's Hospital with donations made by credit card that they may not share or use personally identifiable information for any other purpose.

We do not share any third-party or personally identifiable information you provide with gifts in honor or memory of a loved one.

We do not share any personally identifiable information we may collect in surveys, although we may share aggregated survey results with analysts, as described above. The aggregate data cannot be used to identify individuals and participation in the survey is voluntary.


Links to other sites

This site has links to other sites we think may be of interest to our visitors. Their purpose is to provide visitors with convenient access to other sites that might interest them. A link to another site does not imply an endorsement of the site's content or services.

We are not responsible for the privacy practices of sites not owned by Boston Children's Hospital and Children's Hospital Trust. We encourage you to be aware of that when you leave our site and to read privacy statements at any sites that collect personally identifiable data.


Children's Hospital Trust stores personally identifiable data with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to protect credit card and other information you may submit from this site. SSL is the industry standard security protocol. All off-line information is securely stored and is accessible only by authorized Boston Children's Hospital staff.


Children's Hospital necessarily reserves the right to change this policy from time to time, without advance notice. We will promptly post any changes to our privacy policy on all sites owned by Boston Children's Hospital and Children's Hospital Trust.

Deletion and removal of information



Questions about Boston Children's Hospital, Children's Hospital Trust, or our privacy policy, may be directed to:
300 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

Children's Hospital Trust
401 Park Drive, Suite 602