Current Environment:


Starting in 2008, the Adolescent Breast Center has conducted research to better understand the patients and conditions we treat. The goal of this research is to measure how benignchest and breast conditionsaffect the physical and psychosocial well-being of adolescent patients. These conditions include macromastia, gynecomastia, breast asymmetry, and tuberous breast deformity, which are common in adolescent girls and boys and are a significant source of emotional distress. Very little outcome data exists on these breast conditions in adolescents. As a result, there are very few evidence-based guidelines for pediatricians and plastic surgeons in the treatment of these conditions.

Our studies have been the first to examine long-term functional and psychological outcomes following treatment of boys and girls with benign breast conditions. This ongoing research offers new insight into these common adolescent breast and chest problems and will provide the foundation for studying long-term outcomes in this patient group. We hope that the work will ultimately contribute to the development of evidence-based treatment algorithms to optimize adolescent patient care.

通过我们的研究,与同龄人相比,我们发现了具有各种乳房和胸部状况的青少年女孩和男孩的身体,情感和社会福祉的严重缺陷。我们认为,早期干预和治疗可以帮助减轻这些疾病的负面身体和社会心理影响。我们向儿科医生强调一种整体方法,以治疗涉及的青少年乳房状况内分泌学,adolescent medicine,plastic surgery,一般手术, and nutrition.

Key publications

How to participate

The Adolescent Breast Center is currently enrolling patients in a study to better understand chest and breast disorders. We hope that information from this study will help in the treatment of others in the future. If you're a current or potential patient and would like to learn more about the study, or are currently enrolled in the study, please email your inquires to the following study coordinators:
