
About the center

“运动”是一个用来描述胃肠道肌肉收缩的术语,该系统包括口腔,食道,胃,小肠和结肠。在胃肠道运动障碍中,这些收缩是异常的 - 它们可能太快(与腹泻一样)或太慢(如便秘)。



临床医生的能动性和功能性恐吓rointestinal Disorders Center at Boston Children’s Hospital have the unmatched experience, skills and knowledge to address even the most challenging pediatric motility disorders. We are the only center of our kind in the U.S. that offers a unique combination of services covering all facets of motility and functional disorders. That is why families travel from across the country — and around the world — to seek care for their children at Boston Children’s. We routinely see and treat children with gastrointestinal motility and functional disorders that others might consider rare.

As one of just a few medicine-based motility and functional gastrointestinal centers in the country, we take a biopsychosocial approach to care. We prefer to manage motility and functional disorders with medication and adjunctive therapies. This approach focuses on the whole child, not just their gastrointestinal tract — and may eliminate the need for surgery altogether in many cases. When surgery is necessary, our pediatric motility specialists work with the skilled surgeons at Boston Children’s to deliver the most effective procedures possible.



  • 高级GI运动中心Specialists provide advanced testing and treatment for complex motility problems.
  • 功能性腹痛计划:我们的计划团队包括GI专家,心理学家,疼痛专家,社会工作者,营养学家和物理治疗师,并专注于一种生物心理社会方法,以治疗慢性腹痛儿童。


Our approach to motility and functional disorders


To properly diagnose and treat your child, an evaluation plan may involve one or more of the following:


