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About our research

Our neurosurgeons conduct ongoing research intotethered spinal cord syndromeas well as many other disorders of the brain, spine and nervous system. We also collaborate with scientists at universities and other organizations in the local biomedical community.

While our individual researchers’ projects cover a broad range of topics, they all share one goal: to improve the lives of children with tethered cord.

Current research areas

Some current research projects related to tethered cord include:

  • improving long-term outcomes for children who have suffered neurological trauma
  • examining the role of certain growth factors inspinal cord injuries
  • tracing the activities of cell-signaling pathways in the central nervous system

Clinical trials at Boston Children’s Hospital

Boston Children’s is known for pioneering some of the most effective techniques in the field of neurosurgery. A significant part of our success comes from our commitment to research — and to advancing the frontiers of what’s possible in neurosurgery by conducting clinical trials.

Search for current and upcomingclinical trialsat Boston Children’s.
