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Welcome to the Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) Program at the本森家庭心脏中心at Boston Children’s Hospital. TheVAD团队- 随着Heart Failure,,,,Cardiomyopathy,,,,and心脏移植团队 - 正在为心力衰竭形式最严重的儿童提供高级治疗。这些团队与您紧密合作,以了解孩子的状况,并制定定制的护理计划,以最能满足他们的需求并使他们再次健康。

新技术使许多心力衰竭患者能够在心室辅助设备或VAD的帮助下壮成长。VAD是植入的电驱动心脏泵,与心脏协同工作以改善血液流动。作为世界上最繁忙的外科手术中心之一,波士顿儿童拥有丰富的经验,可以实施不同形式的机械循环支持以改善儿童的健康。我们是为儿童使用心室辅助设备的国家领导者单个心室缺陷as well as other complex先天性心脏病


克里斯蒂娜·范德普鲁姆(Christina Vanderpluym),医学博士,,,,of Boston Children's Hospital



  • 决策桥:A VAD is implanted to support an acutely failing heart. It immediately stabilizes the patient and allows time for the healthcare team to gather all the necessary information to provide the child and family with the best long-term treatment option.
  • Bridge to Recovery:将VAD放置在帮助心脏并允许心肌恢复的目的中,最终的目标是对VAD的去除(或膨胀),一旦心脏自己可以自己泵送足够多。
  • Bridge to Transplant:监督是植入病人在等待a heart transplant but are becoming more ill because of progressive heart failure. This type of VAD improves a child’s condition and quality of life while they wait for the most suitable donor heart.
  • Destination Therapy or Life-Long Therapy:将VAD植入不具备心脏移植或可能选择生活在设备上而不是被列入心脏移植的儿童中的长期心脏支持。

We have found that overall quality of life for children with end-stage heart failure can improve significantly with a VAD implant. Patients who return home with a VAD can participate in many normal routines and activities.

How do I know if a VAD can help my child?

Children who are diagnosed with advanced heart failure can be referred to our VAD program by their primary care physician, primary cardiologist, or a subspecialist. Our team of expert clinicians will perform a comprehensive evaluation of your child to determine if a VAD is an appropriate option, and if so, whichVAD的类型is ideal.

The process of deciding whether your child is eligible, about the implanting of the device, and whether your child can eventually go home is often lengthy. It makes many demands on children, families, and caregivers, as does living at home with a VAD. The VAD team at Boston Children’s Hospital strives to build a cooperative working relationship between patients and caregivers so that it feels less like a process and more like a comfortable experience for children.


本森家庭心脏中心的医师和护士在美国的儿科VAD使用方面发挥了领导作用。这些设备可以增强血液循环,并可以用作挽救生命的移植桥。Boston Children’s cardiologists were integral in designing and conducting the multi-institutional study of the Berlin Heart®, which gained FDA approval for use in children in 2011. Boston Children’s continues to expand the field of VAD support in children by introducing newer, durable devices such as the Heartmate 3 VAD, which allows children to be discharged home and resume normal activities.



  1. Lorts A, Conway J, Schweiger M, Adachi I, Amdani S, Auerbach SR, Barr C, Bleiweis MS, Blume ED, Burstein DS, Cedars A, Chen S, Cousino-Hood MK, Daly KP, Danziger-Isakov LA, Dubyk N, Eastaugh L, Friedland-Little J, Gajarski R, Hasan A, Hawkins B, Jeewa A, Kindel SJ, Kogaki S, Lantz J, Law SP, Maeda K, Mathew J, May LJ, Miera O, Murray J, Niebler RA, O'Connor MJ, Özbaran M, Peng DM, Philip J, Reardon LC, Rosenthal DN, Rossano J, Salazar L, Schumacher KR, Simpson KE, Stiller B, Sutcliffe DL, Tunuguntla H, VanderPluym C, Villa C, Wearden PD, Zafar F, Zimpfer D, Zinn MD, Morales IRD, Cowger J, Buchholz H, Amodeo A. ISHLT consensus statement for the selection and management of pediatric and congenital heart disease patients on ventricular assist devices Endorsed by the American Heart Association. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2021 Aug;40(8):709-732. doi: 10.1016/j.healun.2021.04.015. Epub 2021 May 20. PMID: 34193359
  2. Blume ED., Schweiger M., Eghtesady P., Gelow J., Cedars A., VanderPluym C. VAD in adults with congenital heart disease. ISHLT Adult MCS Guideline. J Heart Lung Transplant 2021 (in press)
  3. Ghbeis M. B., VanderPluym C., Thiagarajan R. R. Hemostatic challenges in pediatric critical care medicine - Hemostatic balance in VAD. Frontiers in Pediatrics. Jan 2021. In press.
  4. Hawkins, B., Fynn-Thompson, F., Daly, K.P., Corf, M., Blume, E., Connor, J.A., Porter, C., Almond, C., VanderPluym, C. (2017). The Evolution of a Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device Program: The Boston Children’s Hospital Experience. Pediatric Cardiology,
  5. Hawkins,B.,Ventresco,C.,Vanderpluym,C。(2017)。在心室辅助设备上为患者开发应用程序:Vadkids应用程序。小儿心脏病学的进展,
  6. Vanderpluym,C.J.,Adachi,I.,Niebler,R.,Griffiths,E.,Fynn-Thompson,F.,Chen,S.,O'Connor,M.J.,MaChado,D.,,,,Koehl, D. A., Cantor, R. S., Morales, D., & Lorts, A. 2019. Outcomes of children supported with an intracorporeal continuous-flow left ventricular assist system. J Heart Lung Transplant, 38(4): 385-393.
  7. Villa C., Del Javier Delmo E., Hetzer R., Lorts A., VanderPluym C. LVAD Support in Congenital Heart Disease. ISHLT Monograph series: Mechanical Circulatory Support. Schuler S., Uriel N., Maltais S., Pagani F.2020