Stem Cell Program

Stem Cell Program


Our patients’ health and a future filled with promise are what drive the researchers, faculty and staff of the Stem Cell Program at Boston Children’s Hospital.

15 years of stem cell research

Leonard Zon, MD, and George Q. Daley, MD, PhD, launched the Stem Cell Program at Boston Children’s in 2004. Stem Cell research holds great promise for advances in science, medicine, and in the lives of children and adults living with serious diseases.

Our mission

This program’s sole mission is to explore, understand, and translate the promise of stem cells into effective clinical therapies and treatments. Itsleadershave developed a three-pronged strategy to fulfill this charge:

  1. 开发用于创建定制干细胞的基本方法,其可以变成体内的任何组织。
  2. 将这些方法应用于最有可能产生第一个突破性处理的疾病。白血病等血液疾病可能是首先因为科学沿着它们以及携带细胞的方法,血液干细胞移植的方法很好。这些障碍是该计划的主要关注点,但其IPS细胞研究的主要进展使得能够更快地扩张其他疾病而不是预期的速度。密集研究现在侧重于雄性癌症,肝病和罕见的条件,揭示更常见的疾病。
  3. 制作IPS细胞和此处开发的其他技术可用于全球同事,因此在广泛的障碍方面取得速度。

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are single cells with two unique qualities: they can make endless copies of themselves, and they can mature into a variety of specialized cells. These qualities make stem cells promising tools in medicine, allowing patients to receive needed cells or tissues, or have diseased cells or tissues replaced with healthy ones. Grown in the lab, genetically repaired if needed, and coaxed to become a specific tissue, stem cells allow doctors to patch a scarred heart, reawaken damaged nerves or reboot an immune system incapable of fighting infection. Stem cells are invaluable to scientists in understanding human disease.

Pluripotent stem cells

Able to make cells from all basic body layers — can produce any cell or tissue the body needs to repair itself.

Adult stem cells

Found in infants or adults — specialized stem cells that give rise to one or more specific cells or tissues.


Equity and inclusion

The Stem Cell Program at Boston Children’s Hospital is committed to upholding Boston Children’s Declaration on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity. We are committed to encouraging and growing the program’s diversity and inclusion across race, gender, age, religion, identity and experience within our program. We are steadfast in building our diversity and cultivating researchers and scientists who advocate for our mission and are models to the hospital and research community.

Stem Cell Research

波士顿儿童医院干细胞项目 @bchstemcell. 2/25/2022 3:39:58 PM
RT @aaronlavelmoye: Thank you @BCHStemCell @ResearchScienc1 for supporting my work - combining 3D multicellular systems and single cell omi…
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RT @ResearchScienc1: It was a privilege to interview @aaronlavelmoye ! We wish your dream to come true!
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Dr. Aaron Moye was featured in @ResearchScienc1 Minority Collection discussing his career and outstanding research…
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Do you want to impact future clinical therapies? Come join the dynamic Stem Cell Program and work closely with the…
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RT @chloe_s_brn: How good is Camp Zon? "I got interviewed in front of a zebrafish poster for it" good. My Massachusetts friends, spread t…
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RT @DFBC_PedCare: Congratulations to Vijay Sankaran, MD, PhD, (@bloodgenes) on receiving the 2022 E. Mead Johnson Award from @SocPedResearc…
The commitment and compassion with which we care for all children and families is matched only by the pioneering spirit of discovery and innovation that drives us to think differently, to find answers, and to build a better tomorrow for children everywhere.

Kevin B.Churchwell,总裁兼首席执行官

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