




NIH政策:自2018年1月25日起,NIH要求使用单个IRB [SIRB]进行NIH资助的多站点研究的审查,在该研究中,每个站点都将执行涉及非豁免“人类受试者研究”的相同协议赠款,合作协议,合同或NIH壁内研究计划。该政策仅适用于国内站点。NIH SIRB政策的实施预计将减轻不必要的行政负担和系统性低效率,同时保持适当的人类受试者的保护。根据政策,“多站点”定义为两个或多个站点。




即使不由联邦政府或NIH资助,BCH IRB也将提供自愿使用单个IRB的能力。这些决定是根据情况为基础做出的。

General Overview


For Researchers: Single IRB review avoids duplicate IRB review across institutions, but does not lessen researchers’ oversight across those sites. The Reviewing Site’s PI assumes significant additional responsibilities and must assume responsibilities on behalf of all sites .This includes but is not limited to developing and implementing communication plans to assure distribution of IRB review-associated materials to all sites, and continually collecting and submitting all regulatory information from all relying sites to the sIRB. The Relying Site’s PI must communicate all regulatory information from their site to the Reviewing Site’s PI and IRB and conduct their research under the terms and policies of the Reviewing site’s IRB.



BCH IRB执行各种依赖协议。

SMART IRB: Boston Children’s Hospital is a signatory to the SMART IRB master reliance agreement. It is the preference of BCH to use the SMART IRB agreement as the basis of reliance for all studies where we rely on an external IRB or serve as the sIRB. Where possible, the SMART IRB agreement will be used as the basis for reliance.

Single Reliance/IRB Authorization Agreement (IAA):如果机构不符合签署智能IRB协议的资格标准,则BCH可以使用IRB依赖/授权协议与外部机构建立依赖关系。

主要依赖协议: These agreements are executed for one or more protocols from the same consortium of researchers/institutions. Such agreements can be utilized to facilitate the review of any protocols from the same cohort of researchers across multiple institutions. Often master agreements are established so that any one of the signatory institutions/IRBs can review a protocol on behalf of others who signed the agreement.


与Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center的依赖协议: Boston Children’s Hospital is one of the institutions participating with the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center (DF/HCC). As such, all cancer-relevant research will be reviewed through the DF/HCC IRB. The DF/HCC Protocol Review and Monitoring Requirements guidance document summarizes research which requires submission and review by the DF/HCC Scientific Review Committee and the DF/HCC IRB. The指导文件contains a chart which provides examples of research requiring DF/HCC review and research which can be reviewed by the BCH IRB.


当其他机构想依靠BCH作为单一审查IRB时:为了启动BCH IRB担任SIRB的请求,Single IRB Request Formmust be completed。当BCH IRB同意担任SIRB时,将指示研究团队在Cherp的批准协议中创建“添加对BCH”。该活动将收集信息(例如来自依赖站点的主要研究人员,适用于参与机构的同意书,特定于网站的招聘文件)将添加到主要协议中,从而允许BCH IRB审查扩展到其他站点。只要已提交(批准),就可以提交此请求。可以在其他活动(例如持续审查或修正案尚待审查或正在审查)等其他活动时提交。但是,直到批准该协议的任何其他未决提交的提交,就无法发布该网站的接受。此外,如果多个机构希望依靠BCH进行相同的协议,则必须单独为每个站点提交“对BCH的依赖”请求;但是,许多可以同时提交。

Helpful Documents:

When BCH Relies on another Institution’s IRB:当提出要求BCH依靠(CEDE审查到另一家机构的IRB)的请求时,BCH PI必须在Cherp中使用提交类型的“依赖另一个IRB”应用程序创建“新研究活动”。该表格将产生适用的问题(基于为BCH的参与选择的类别),并允许上传研究文档。该活动不是IRB审查过程(因为IRB审查将被割让给另一家机构),而是一种审查/接受(批准)依靠另一个IRB的请求的机制。它还将触发适用的辅助机构审查,并跟踪BCH或BCH调查人员在其他地方进行的研究活动。

Helpful Documents:

Further information can be obtained by contacting Boston Children's Hospital IRB Specialist Robleinscky Dominguez at 617-355-5935 or by电子邮件
