


Please click on linked workshop titles to view.

Top 10 Strategies for Success in Academic Medicine
Speaker: Jean Emans, MD, Director of the Office of Faculty Development
Thursday, January 21, 2021

议长:HMS教职员工办公室的哈佛医学院学术事务总监Joelle Lomax博士
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Speakers: Tara Lauriat, PhD, Program Director for Academic Affairs, HMS Office for Faculty Affairs;医学博士Scott Pomeroy博士,布朗森·克罗斯神经病学教授
This workshop provided practical advice on how to effectively navigate the HMS promotion process, the areas of excellence, and CV preparation.


Our workshop facilitators are faculty members and administrators from Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, as well as professional consultants, who have excellent track records in leading discussions. For announcements of new programs, watch your email, check the internal homepage, and read观点.

To request a workshop handout from an OFD program, please emailofd@childrens.harvard.edu.


  • 波士顿儿童高级教师和HMS领导者的晋升会议强调了HMS促销标准和简历格式
  • Orientation luncheon for new faculty with senior leaders
  • OFD奖学金和医学教育颁奖典礼,以纪念授予波士顿儿童和HMS奖学金,研究和医学教育赠款的教师
  • Dealing Effectively with Abrasive Personalities by Melissa Brodrick, MEd, HMS Ombuds Office; and Christine Power, MS, Director, DFCI Office for Faculty Development
  • Negotiating Up by Melissa Brodrick, MEd, HMS Ombuds Office
  • Anesthesia Grand Rounds: Developmental Networks for Career Success, by Jean Emans, MD
  • 医学博士Jamie Heath的冥想课程,注册瑜伽老师;和MPH医学博士Emily Davidson,注册瑜伽老师
  • Spring is Faculty Development Season to highlight annual career conferences and work/life balance, among other support mechanisms
  • 如何计划一场富有生产力的年度职业会议,由医学博士让·埃曼斯(Jean Emans)撰写;玛格丽特·肯纳(Margaret Kenna),医学博士,MPH;和医学博士艾伦·莱希特纳(Alan Leichtner)
  • 得到Your Clinical Research Funded, by Isaac Kohane, MD, PhD
  • Strategies for Saving for College, by Jonathan Griswold, MD
  • Time Management Solutions, by Lydia Shrier, MD, MPH; and Judith Zola, MBA
  • •研究的研究支持和指导领导:主要研究人员的研讨会(与人力资源,法官和总法律顾问办公室合作),Melissa Brodrick,医学博士;Jordan Kreidberg,医学博士;Fariba Houman博士;詹姆斯·霍根(James Horgan),JD;克莱尔·马尔(ClaireMarré),女士;Lydia Shrier,医学博士,MPH,Judy Zola,MBA
  • 乔丹·克里德伯格(Jordan Kreidberg),医学博士,获得基础研究资助
  • 医学博士让·埃曼斯(Jean Emans)申请BCH研究补助金的策略;朱迪思·弗莱明(Judith Fleming),博士;医学博士Ellen Grant;医学博士Jordan Kreidberg博士
  • BCH Trust基金会关系高级总监Jennifer Foley申请申请基金会资金的策略;BCH信托基金关系高级官员Emma Dunlap
  • 得到Your K Award Funded: Constructing the Career Development Plan and Mentor’s Statement, by Maria Kontaridis, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
  • Preparing an NIH or Foundation Budget, by Theresa Applegate, Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)
  • Writing for Scientific Publication, by Marjorie Beeghly, PhD; and Lydia Shrier, MD, MPH
  • 哈佛大学催化剂概述2018年,哈佛大学催化剂计划的卡罗尔·马丁(Carol Martin)
  • 医学和科学(URM)教师和研究员的代表性不足的计划:感兴趣的主题包括讨论正在进行的多样性计划,学生国家医学协会(SNMA)和拉丁裔医学学生协会(LMSA)国家会议,演讲者和社交/网络的代表事件
  • Medical Education: workshops on teaching reflective practices, evaluating communications skills, dealing with implicit bias, enhancing scholarship, developing curricula ethics in teaching, project feedback conferences
  • 演讲和技术技能:强大的科学演示的关键组成部分,包括设计可靠的屏幕演示和数字成像
  • Leadership Development for Physician and Scientists: a three-day HMS course preparing HMS faculty for leadership roles in academic medicine