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Led by Dr. Jordan Kreidberg, this seminar gives the "nuts and bolts" of what you need to have a successful fellowship. Areas covered include: The Importance of Networking; The Importance of Seeking Multiple Mentors and Collaborators Across Disciplines; Effective Grant Writing and Publishing and; Attaining Your Next Position.


This two-part workshop. led by Melissa Broderick from the HMS Ombuds Office will examine what you bring to conflict situations that may help or hinder those conflicts, some skills for handling conflicts when they arise and additional resources available to support you in finding resolutions that work for everyone. The second session will focus on solutions.


该课程由既定国家和国际客户群的职业策略师莎拉·卡多佐·邓肯(Sarah Cardozo Duncan)领导。会议1:网络艺术;第2节:信息面试和营销自己;和会议3:领导和沟通技巧。

Communication Styles Workshop

莎拉·卡多佐·邓肯(Sarah Cardozo Duncan)主持了这个互动式研讨会,探索了不同的沟通方式和技能。研究员将学会确定他们的沟通方式,了解其他沟通方式,并学会认识与他们互动的人的沟通方式。


This course will be led by Melissa Brodrick, MEd, and Christine Power, MS, Director, DFCI Office for Faculty Development. This course will help fellows develop skills to consider the choices they have when working with abrasive personalities: when/how to engage or disengage (and the risks/benefits of each), how to address challenges early on, and what options are available when dealing with the chronic abrasive personality.


这项为期12周的体验学习课程将由史蒂芬·穆恩瓦尔(Steven Munevar)博士,MBA博士和博士Fernando Albertorio博士领导,并将将研究员介绍给Fellows,以将技术从构想转移到可行的商机中所需的基础创业和商业概念。

Analyzing and Communicating Biomedical Research: Introductory data analytics course for life science researchers

This course will be led by Dr. Steven Munevar, PhD, MBA and will offer fellows an introduction to Data Analytics tools and methodologies. Further, the course will provide participants with a hands-on opportunity to apply these tools and strategies to relevant, publically available life science data sets. Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on hands-on experiential learning, analysis strategy, communication/presentation, project management, and team building.

Leadership in Research: Managing People

This is an all day workshop for future PI’s with multiple presentations and discussions. Topics include:1)Team Building, Feedback and Coaching; 2)Building your team: Interviewing and hiring the right team; 3) Performance Review – What am I expected to do for HR; 4) Legal Issues of Employment; 5) Challenging Cases in the Workplace; 6) Managing your lab/Managing your clinical team.


由HMS/HSDM博士后研究员办公室主任詹姆斯·古尔德(James Gould)博士领导,本次会议旨在强调简历,简历和求职信的艺术,并为科学家写作。


詹姆斯·古尔德(James Gould)博士(HMS/HSDM博士后研究员办公室)和Lu-Ann Pozzi博士(BCH Fellows的计划经理)安排一对一的15分钟约会,以审查其简历和/或简历。


This course will be led by Dr. Lu-Ann Pozzi, PhD and Dr. Jordan Kreidberg and focuses on slide composition and overall presentation skills.


This three-part workshop led by Dr. Jordan Kreidberg is designed to present strategies, tips, and practical guidance for fellows for their job search.


