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What is an x-ray?

Conventional diagnostic radiology, also known as radiography, is most commonly known as x-ray. An x-ray is a picture of the inside of your child’s body. X-rays:

  • use small doses of ionizing radiation to produce diagnostic pictures of the human body
  • 是最古老,最常用的医学成像形式
  • are fast and easy to obtain, making them particularly useful in emergency diagnoses

How Boston Children’s Hospital approaches conventional diagnostic radiology (x-ray)

Diagnostic radiology at Boston Children’s is designed to facilitate high-quality and rapid x-ray examinations using the lowest possible radiation doses for your child, no matter her size, age, or medical condition. Our division has:

  • Highly trained pediatric radiologists have expertise in interpreting x-rays in children of all ages.
  • 技术人员在从婴儿期到青少年的儿童成像有多年的经验。
  • 熟练的员工采用适合年龄的干扰技术来帮助舒适的患者在手术前和过程中。
  • Equipment is designed specifically for pediatric use, which means age-appropriate care for children.
  • Protocols have been adapted to keep radiation exposure as low as reasonably achievable without compromising the image quality.


What is conventional diagnostic radiology (X-ray)?

An x-ray is a picture taken of your child’s bones and organs by a large camera that uses radiation to take pictures of the inside of her body. The images are created when the x-ray passes through her bone and tissues onto a digital-image recording plate.

When is an x-ray needed?


How should I prepare my child for an x-ray?



  • Give your child a simple explanation as to why she needs an x-ray.
  • 向您的孩子保证您将在整个过程中都在那里。如果您怀孕了,则在拍摄X射线时将无法在您的孩子旁边。带另一个家庭成员或朋友与您的孩子在一起。
  • 在等待时,请带上孩子最喜欢的书,玩具或安慰物体来占领她。

What should I expect when I bring my child to the hospital for an x-ray?

When you arrive, please go to the Radiology check-in desk.

  • 患者体验代表将检查您的孩子并验证其注册信息。
  • Your child may be asked to change into a gown for his or her examination.
  • 您的孩子将需要去除任何可能掩盖图像的珠宝,眼镜和任何其他金属物体。
  • 妇女应该告诉技术人员是否有可能怀孕。



  • ask you and your child some screening questions
  • position your child on the x-ray table and place the digital recording plate under the table in the area of the body being imaged
  • use pillows or other positioning devices to help your child maintain the proper position
  • place a lead apron over your child’s pelvic area or breasts when possible to protect him/her from radiation

The x-ray will be taken by a large camera. The technologist will operate the x-ray machine from behind a wall in the room. Often, more than one x-ray is taken.

  • Your child will be asked to sit, stand, or lie very still while the x-ray is being taken.
  • Your child may be asked to hold her breath for a few seconds while the x-ray is taken.



There is no pain associated with having an x-ray. Your child may need to remain in an uncomfortable position for a short time while the x-ray is taken, but that discomfort is brief.


The benefit of an accurate diagnosis far outweighs the exposure to radiation that occurs during an x-ray. Because children are more sensitive to radiation exposure than adults, Boston Children’s Hospital specialists have been leaders in adjusting equipment and procedures to deliver the lowest possible dose to young patients.


When the x-ray is done, your child will be ready to go home or see her doctor if an appointment is scheduled. One of the radiologists will review your child’s images and create a written report of the findings and diagnosis.

How do I learn the results?


X射线|Programs & Services
