ACL regeneration: Promising two-year results of first-in-human trial


为了改善患者的结果,我们开发了一种再生撕裂ACL而不是更换它们的方法。这Bridge-Enhanced® ACL Restoration (BEAR®)程序是ACL的缝合线修复,与专门设计的细胞外基质支架桥接桥接撕裂韧带的两端之间的间隙。在动物研究中,该程序似乎防止后期骨关节炎的发育,可能是因为再生韧带更准确地恢复原始接头的解剖学与与移植物重建ACL相比。

阉割过的雄鹿es of bridge-enhanced ACL restoration

Promising early results for new ACL surgery


这study, led by orthopedic surgeonsMartha Murray,MD, andLyle Micheli,MD,始于2015年。在参加的20名患者中,10名患者,10岁的熊手术和10个接受标准ACL重建。所有受试者均为18至35岁至35岁至35岁之间的10名受试者的九个受试者,该受试者接受了熊手术,其中7名受试者的7名受试者中有7个受试者完成了24个月的研究访问,其中包括MRI。

这two groups had similar clinical, functional, and patient-reported outcomes, with significant gains over baseline preoperative values. At 24 months, all 9 patients in the BEAR group exhibited continuous tissue in the region of the ACL. Similarly, the ACL grafts were intact in all 7 patients in the ACL reconstruction group who returned for follow-up, with no gap between the proximal and distal limbs. The only difference between the two groups at 6, 12, and 24 months after surgery was significantly greater return of hamstring strength in the BEAR group.

ACL Study | Safety first

This phase I study was the culmination of 15 years of laboratory work developing a safe and effective scaffold. In unrelated studies conducted at other research centers, 20 percent of subjects had a serious inflammatory response to other extracellular matrix patches. With this in mind, we designed our phase I study with a small sample size to screen for problems that might occur in a larger study. Happily, none of the subjects who received a BEAR implant developed an infection or severe inflammatory reaction, arthrofibrosis, or reaction that required scaffold removal.


第三项研究Bear III在两个地点,波士顿儿童和罗德岛医院注册了49名科目。我们扩展了本研究的年龄范围,包括12至80岁之间的患者。我们预计熊月亮研究的入学人员,由克利夫兰诊所的Kurt Spindler领导的五个网站多中心研究将于今年晚些时候开始。


