

如果您的孩子患有急性或慢性呼吸道(肺和呼吸与呼吸有关),则可以指望专家肺医提供带有富有同情心的良好护理。我们是诊断和管理常见问题的领导者咳嗽,,,,哮喘, 和睡眠障碍to more complex issues including支气管肺发育不良,,,,间质性肺部疾病, 和lung transplantation

此外,我们专注于照顾儿童和成人cystic fibrosis(CF),从评估到诊断和治疗,提供临床试验的机会,并帮助患者管理症状以改善其生活质量和寿命。

通过我们所有的全面程式, 我们的肺科医生与整个家庭合作,为您的最大问题提供答案,并在整个患者旅程中为您和您的孩子提供支持。

What is a pulmonologist?

一个pulmonologistis a medical specialist who treats conditions and diseases affecting the respiratory tract. Our pulmonologists work together, taking a team approach to helping patients manage a range of pulmonary (breathing and lung) conditions.



Caitlyn has interstitial lung disease, which affects the cells and tissues of her lungs. Learn more about her story and about a special visit she received.


Our depth of experience in treating pulmonary conditions


We also have one of the most comprehensive新生儿重症监护病房(NICU) and pulmonary follow-up programs. In addition, Boston Children’s pulmonologists are proud to serve as a resource for many local and regional NICUs, which count on us for our highly specialized care.

Taking a collaborative approach to pulmonary care

我们的团队由一个广泛的临床医生who are trained in treating children with肺部疾病,包括儿科肺科医生,肺护士,护士从业人员,研究员,呼吸和物理治疗师,营养师和社会工作者。所有这些专家都合作,以照顾每个患者的需求,并确保他们的身体和情感健康。


一个dvancing treatment for pulmonary disorders through innovation and research

Our clinicians are paving new ground in a variety of ways in an effort to improve outcomes for children with lung disease. For instance, we have one of the only designatedservices in the nation, caring for young people who are suffering from pulmonary effects caused by using e-cigarettes. Our肺遗传学计划这是儿科医院的少数几个,可以帮助家庭找到肺部疾病或呼吸问题的遗传原因,这可能会影响其孩子或家人。

Many of our clinicians are also engaged in research efforts that are deepening our understanding of a range of pulmonary conditions. These findings translate into better diagnostic and disease management techniques.


  • 在新英格兰管理最大的小儿肺临床试验,也是该国最大的体积之一
  • serving as a major site for cystic fibrosis research and clinical trials, providing patients with early access to the latest medications, and leading a variety of efforts to test interventions and identify innovative ways to support people with CF
  • 研究还诊断为哮喘的支气管肺发育不良(BPD)患者,特别关注环境因素和肺功能
  • 探索遗传学如何在BPD疾病易感性和肺部生长中发挥作用
  • 试用对在补充氧气中出院的婴儿使用远程氧饱和度监测,以查看这是否改善了预后
  • 查看一般肺部疾病的分子决定因素以及哮喘,肺动脉高压和罕见的肺部疾病
  • 绘制引起不同疾病的基因


请访问MyChildren's Patient Portalto view upcoming visits, fill out new or return patient questionnaires, and send messages to your pulmonary care team.

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