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About the fellowship program

这社会Work Fellowship Program at Boston Children's Hospital is committed to offering advanced training for clinical social workers.

Additional information:

  • Post-graduate fellowships are offered in various areas of the hospital.
  • Positions are part-time or full-time depending on the particular fellowship.
  • All fellowships except LEND provide full-time salary plus benefits.


Fellowship in Adolescent Health


Boston LEAH (Leadership Education in Adolescent Health)multidisciplinary training program has a one-year social work fellowship from September 1 to August 31.

Applicants must be post-master's social workers who are licensed or license eligible at a LCSW level or above, and they must have an interest or experience in working with adolescents. Boston Children’s Hospital’s LEAH is one of seven training programs in the U.S. devoted to leadership training in adolescent health, and it is sponsored by the孕产妇健康(MCH)局of the Health Resources and Services Administration,U.S. Department of Health and Human Services。这LEAH program trains fellows from five disciplines: social work, medicine, nursing, nutrition, and psychology.

Clinical work occurs in the context of interdisciplinary care in the Adolescent Medical Practice, a primary care and specialty care program. The fellowship stresses competency in clinical work with adolescents, including assessment and treatment fordepression,,,,anxiety,,,,trauma, and饮食失调,,,,and participation on a multidisciplinary mental health team. LEAH Social Work fellows have the opportunity to work with patients for ongoing counseling as well as provide consultation and crisis intervention in the primary care clinic. The program offers intensive interdisciplinary and discipline-specific curricula on Tuesday mornings, including seminars and case-based learning in adolescent health promotion, research, advocacy, public policy, prevention, LGBTQIA+ health, teaching, psychopharmacology, health equity, and more. There is also a biweekly eating disorders case conference. Once a month there is a joint session for all fellows and faculty from theDivision of Adolescent/Young Adult Medicine,,,,during which journal club, morbidity and mortality rounds, quality improvement, and timely adolescent health topics and leadership lectures are presented. There is opportunity to attend trainings in other departments in the hospital and to participate in a project. Two hours a week are devoted to individual and group supervision.

奖学金是全职包括一个晚上clinic each week and runs from September 1, 2022, through August 31, 2023. Compensation is a full-time salary of approximately $44,000 plus benefits.

Applications for the Social Work Fellowship in Adolescent Health are due no later than February 1, 2022. Top candidates will be invited to interview, with final selection in early April.

For more information on the LEAH Social Work Fellowship Program, please



这Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences提供全职奖学金,为儿童和青少年心理健康提供扎实的基于广泛的培训机会。该奖学金提供了高级人员的深入监督,并参与了许多社会工作和多学科培训和研讨会。其中包括心理治疗研讨会,社会工作教学研讨会,儿童保护研讨会,精神病学大回合以及精神病学的发病率和死亡率会议。

这Fellow’s clinical work will be in Outpatient and Emergency Psychiatry. In门诊精神病学,对儿童和青少年,父母和家庭的诊断评估和心理治疗构成了研究金的核心。每周一个下午,这位研究员将在紧急精神病学服务中工作,学习进行紧急评估和危机干预。该研究员每周将花一个下午的时间进行选修课,以与培训主管协商。最近的研究员的选修课包括预防自杀研究,滥用药物评估和治疗以及与难民和移民的研究和实践。奖学金从9月至8月进行。薪酬是43,000美元的全职工资。

Pediatric Palliative Care Fellowship

Application Deadline: February 1, 2022

Pediatric Advanced Care Team (PACT),,,,the pediatric palliative care service at Boston Children’s Hospital and theDana-Farber Cancer Institute,,,,is offering a full-time, year-long social work fellowship. The PACT Social Work Fellowship seeks to provide subspecialty practice and education to future practitioners and leaders in the field of pediatric palliative care.


As the premier pediatric palliative care social work fellowship in the country, this unique training program provides the opportunity to participate in an intensive clinical and didactic training experience. The fellow will work closely with our medical and nurse practitioner fellows, and will receive social work specific and interprofessional palliative care training. The fellow will have the opportunity to work with patients and their families as well as facilitate and administer the PACT bereavement program. This includes facilitating and administering a parent/sibling bereavement group (either in person or virtual, given the current public health environment). There will be opportunities to gain knowledge and experience with related community resources, hospice, and bereavement services.

PACT provides inpatient and outpatient care as well as support in the community and home settings. The fellow functions as part of an interprofessional team and is responsible for consultation with other medical providers. The fellowship experience includes academic responsibilities such as grand rounds, a quality improvement project, and small group teaching.

Fellows receive two hours of supervision per week and work very closely with social work and interprofessional mentors dedicated to the training and support of interdisciplinary fellows. The fellow will have the opportunity to attend PACT educational rounds featuring interprofessional experts in the field of Pediatric Palliative Care and will participate in the nationally recognized哈佛医学院跨专业姑息治疗奖学金计划

这PACT Social Work Fellowship is designed for candidates with a serious interest in the field of pediatric palliative care and seeks to train the next generation of palliative care subspecialty clinicians and leaders. Experience in pediatrics, hospital-based work, complex and chronic illness, and/or related fields is strongly preferred. This is an opportunity to work with one of the first and most established pediatric palliative care teams in the country.

At Boston Children’s Hospital and DFCI, we work every day to create an innovative, caring, and inclusive environment where every patient, family, and staff member feels they belong. As relentless as we are in our mission to reduce the burden of serious illness for all, we are equally committed to diversifying our faculty, staff, and trainees. Serious and life-threatening illnesses know no boundaries and, when it comes to hiring the most dedicated and diverse professionals, neither do we. If working in this kind of organization and team inspires you, we encourage you to apply.

Compensation is full-time salary plus benefits as an entry-level, post-graduate social worker. Fellowship begins July 1 and ends June 30.

Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) Part Time Fellowship

Deadline: Spring 2022 rolling

This is an opportunity for a Master's Level social work fellow to develop advocacy skills and learn more about developmental disabilities. This program requires 1.5 days per week, with Friday as a mandatory day.



  • Didactic seminars on leadership, evidence-based practices across disciplines, interdisciplinary collaboration, cultural awareness, public health perspectives, conflict resolution, and policy, and approaches from a family systems perspective.
  • Observation of various interdisciplinary clinical teams.
  • Participation in a three-day policy/advocacy conference in Washington DC that involve training in legislative and policy matters and an chance to advocate directly on Capitol Hill with your own congressman and senators.
  • Opportunity to work with community based organizations serving child and families with special health care needs.
  • In-home experience with a family whose child has a developmental disability through the Linking Hands program at Boston Children's Hospital.
  • 正在进行的工作和以社区为基础的多元文化ganizations.

$4,000 stipend available.

请注意:because this fellowship is part-time, no benefits are offered.

有关借贷申请以及有关此奖学金的更多信息,请联系Lauren Berman,LICSW

Post-Masters Pediatric Oncology Clinical Social Work Fellowship


这Pediatric Clinical Social Work Fellowship in the Division of Pediatric Psychosocial Oncology at theDana-Farber Cancer Instituteis a unique opportunity for a Masters Prepared Clinical Social Worker seeking advanced clinical training in pediatric psychosocial oncology. As an integral member of an interdisciplinary care team, the Social Work Fellow will receive training to provide psychosocial care to child and adolescent patients and their families from diagnosis through treatment. The Social Work Fellow will be providing psychosocial care for patients and families who are receiving ambulatory care at DFCI’s吉米基金诊所as well as having the opportunity of providing continuity of care inpatient at Boston Children’s Hospital. This is a full-time, 40-hour, five-day-a-week position.



Senior clinical psychosocial staff will provide intensive supervision throughout the year. In addition, the Social Work Fellow will participate in interdisciplinary rounds, clinical meetings, training seminars, and have multiple opportunities to attend a wide variety of presentations and trainings throughout Dana-Farber and Boston Children’s Hospital.

Benefits include: health and dental insurance, four weeks of paid vacation, and other benefits. Salary is $42,000.

Contact us

For more information on the Social Work Fellowship Program, please email us
