Current Environment:

Telephones |Overview

Phones are available in most patient rooms. The direct-dial number may be shared with friends and family; parents and patients should request that friends and family members not call the room after 8 p.m. There is no charge for incoming calls.


  • 在局部区域代码中:0 + 1 +区域代码 +电话号码
  • Outside of local area codes (using a calling card or calling collect): 0 + 0 + area code + telephone number


eleva支付手机可用tor lobby of each inpatient floor, and in the Emergency Department, the main lobby, and the Pavilion Lobby.

Cell phones

Cell phones, smart phones, personal data assistants (PDAs), and other wireless devices can't be used on patient floors or near any medical equipment. Please turn them off in restricted areas. They may be used by the elevator area on each patient floor, as well as in the main areas of the hospital. If you have questions about this policy, please call Telecommunications at 617-355-8444.


传真机are available in the hospital. Contact your child's nurse for additional information about sending and receiving faxes.

Teletypewriters (TTYs)

To support children or family members who are deaf or hard of hearing, Teletypewriters (TTYs) are available on inpatient floors. If you would like a TTY in your child's room, your child's nurse can help you obtain one. You may also bring your TTY to hook up in your child's room. You may need to ask the nurse to help get telephone line restrictions lifted for this purpose. A TTY is also available at the reception area and can be reached from outside the hospital at 617-355-3443/TTY.


Baby cry lights and phone signal lights are available on inpatient floors. Your child's nurse can help obtain these for you.

Please see also ourInterpreter ServicesPage,提供有关美国手语(ASL)和其他口译服务的信息。
