
Sophie's Science Project Animated Video

TheHarvard Catalyst Regulatory Foundations, Ethics, and Law Programhas created an animated video from our comic book “Sophie’s Science Project.” The video can be foundhere.

The comic book,Sophie’s Science Project: What is Medical Research?was developed by Boston Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia with the goal of educating children about medical research.Our second comic book,BioBank: Questions and Answers,由波士顿儿童医院和哈佛大学催欧宝彩票平台化剂开发,最近发布了简单地解释生物库的工作方式,如何收集样品和信息以及如何使用和共享这些样品和信息。Both comics can be downloaded below and paper copies of each may be obtained by contacting theIRB办公室.

BioBank: Questions and Answers


Biobank comic book cover

Download Here

Sophie’s Science Project: What is Medical Research?

This comic book was developed with the goal of educating children about medical research. Please feel free to download this comic book and share it with children.

Sophie's comic book cover

Download Here


Boston Children’s Hospital values input from our patients and the general community on their attitudes towards clinical research and how best to communicate about general research topics. We have developed two comic books to help educate families and the public about research and provide information that may be helpful in deciding whether to participate in a research study. We welcome your feedback about the comic books and any ideas for additional educational materials.

请考虑服用这个five-minute survey后读漫画书。

National Institutes of Health website for parents on medical research studies for children

The purpose of the website is to provide information for families that includes the following topics:

  • Why is research important, how is it different, safety and protections, are there benefits, your right to say no

  • Information on the research team, what you might need to ask, and what role kids play in participating

  • 有关研究如何影响家庭以及孩子的想法,如果您离开学习会发生什么或结束时发生的事情的信息

  • 知道您拥有哪些权利,在哪里找到信息以及您在研究中可能听到的条款

  • http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/childrenandclinicalstudies/index.php

Children's Hospital Clinical Research Bill of Rights

Children's Hospital is committed to respecting and protecting the rights of its patients and families. We strive to provide care that is sensitive to cultural, racial, religious and other differences. This bill of rights provides information about our commitment to you, and your responsibilities as a member of your child's health care team.

回馈from participants

We welcome your feedback and suggestions whether you have had a good experience with research or would like to see some improvements. Click below to send us an email. Your submission will remain anonymous.