
The Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition is part of Boston Children's Hospital, ranked #1 by美国新闻与世界报告。我们为家庭提供了个性化的治疗计划,并获得了比任何其他医院获得更多专业护理的机会。我们:

  • 使用来自不同专业,高级护理提供者,护士,社会工作者,心理学家和注册营养师的医生,为我们的患者提供以家庭为中心的状态,以家庭为中心的护理
  • 为我们领域的后代临床和研究领导者提供最高水平的培训
  • support, engage, and collaborate with the most inquisitive researchers; encourage innovation; and accelerate discovery to further understand causes of disease, advance personalized treatment, and ultimately develop cures
  • strive to provide a culturally diverse and inclusive environment for our patients, their families and caregivers and our clinical, research, and administrative teams
  • endeavor to be the best place to heal, to discover, and to work



Girl stands in front of wall with butterfly icons

Meet Laila


Our approach to care

胃肠病学,肝病学和营养部门提供了我们综合的高度个性化护理pediatric gastroenterologists。一位综合的小儿胃肠病医生是一名医生,可以看到并治疗广泛的症状和状况,并且在诊断和治疗小儿胃肠道和肝病方面具有广泛的教育和经验。

Our team also includes nurse practitioners, nurses, physician assistants, social workers, dietitians, and psychologists who work together to provide your child with a more specific diagnosis and an exceptional level of personalized care and treatment.

我们有丰富的治疗胃肠道,肝脏和与营养有关的症状或条件。每年,我们都会安排40,000多次患者就诊并执行4,000多个程序。我们还提供了最先进的诊断和治疗选择Gastroenterology Procedure Unit



波士顿儿童临床医生是临床胃肠道研究的领导者。我们正在积极寻找创新的方法,以提高治疗,克服挑战并提高我们为每个孩子提供的护理质量。我们继续开拓胃肠道治疗方法,并处于护理和治疗状况的重大进展的最前沿炎症性肠病,,,,motility and aerodigestive disorders,食管疾病,肝病,腹腔疾病还有很多。


We know that children require more specialized care which is why we provide customized treatment plans to help your child get healthy again. You can find the help and answers you need at one of our马萨诸塞州的11个地点。每个位置都提供与波士顿地点相同的员工提供相同水平的护理。在波士顿儿童会员,您总是知道您的孩子在您附近的一个地方获得了该国的最佳护理。
