Current Environment:

Art Gallery |Overview

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Our diverse art collection can be found throughout the hospital and plays an important role in creating an uplifting and healing environment. A rich variety of artworks — paintings, sculpture, fused glass, kinetic, and interactive pieces — fills the public spaces and corridors with visual delight.

In clinical settings, the art becomes a way to distract and relax patients, so procedures go more smoothly.

7月沼泽地:一幅画ia Barello

The work in our collection is often original and custom-made to meet hospital standards.

Highlights include a sculptural piece made from recycled MRI material, light works using specialized prisms, a two-story media wall that displays interactive graphics, and a musical staircase.

Lightpainting, by Stephen Knapp

Rotating art exhibitions

We offer a changing art program throughout our Longwood campus.

  • Farley B, Fresh Food Court
  • Farley 1, across from cashier’s desk
  • Farley 1, near Volunteer Services
  • Main 1, hallway near Radiology
  • Main 9, East Classroom
  • Fegan 1, near CVS
  • Au Bon Pain
Map of Art Gallery locations